Art . Illustration . Nature . Wellbeing
Forum Street Theatre in South Sudan
Forum Street Theatre*
Juba, South Sudan, 2014.
Talim Le Nas, Amsuku! (Education for the People, Grasp it!) was a UNESCO project implemented in partnership with Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and the South Sudan Theatre Organisation. I worked with FPU to design, secure funding for and manage the project.
The project included a series of mobile street performances as part of UNESCO's 'Education For All' advocacy campaign. Together with a team of local actors, script writers and drama directors from the South Sudan Theatre Organisation (SSTO), we created two plays:
1) The importance of Girls' Education
2) The value of Vocational and Technical Education
Each drama was performed in three different street locations including bus stations, market places and community meeting areas. The performances included elements of audience participation either through post performance discussions or where audience members were invited on stage to act out/complete certain scenes.
The dramas were also recorded for radio and aired on the UN radio station for World Education Day. The team was asked to present at UNESCO's International Literacy Day celebrations and was invited by the national Ministry of Education to perform to national level ministers.
What The Audience said
*Forum Theatre, or 'Citizens Theatre' as SSTO are pioneering in South Sudan, draws on Gustav Boal's celebrated concept of Theatre of the Oppressed.
“I am happy that people turned out to watch the show. I know anyone who watched the show will stand up for his or her life.”
“People have benefited from this show. They came here to listen to them. ...The people speaking at the background are all excited about this programme.”